Antique vase decorated with a snake
Antique vase decorated with a snake
€715,00 -
Carlton Ambassador Hotel The Hague
Carlton Ambassador Hotel The Hague
€1.425,00 -
Colourful abstract
Colourful abstract
€630,00 -
curious cubist still life
curious cubist still life
€850,00 -
fish parade
fish parade
Floral decoration on zelliges from Fez. Sold.
Floral decoration on zelliges from Fez. Sold.
€550,00 -
Floral Mind
Floral Mind
€750,00 -
Haarlem city map
Haarlem city map
€4.950,00 -
Hidden secret
Hidden secret
€800,00 -
Historical scene with sultan
Historical scene with sultan
Journey and abstract panel
Journey and abstract panel
€1.815,00 -
Lemontree in Antique pot
Lemontree in Antique pot
€5.300,00 -
Nude, japanese style
Nude, japanese style
Peep show
Peep show
€200,00 -
Plan de Paris. Sold
Plan de Paris. Sold
Reclining nude
Reclining nude
€3.200,00 -
Small sketches panel
Small sketches panel
Wunderkabinett SOLD
Wunderkabinett SOLD